Tutti gli articoli di cisuadmin

Intorno a Myricae. La prima poesia latina di Pascoli

di Caterina Malta

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2022, 200 pp., tavv. VIII; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-94-6

€ 35





I. «Quae dixi gracili carmina tibia». Il modello oraziano

II. Verso una nuova estetica dell’antico

  1. Precorrimenti di poetica nella Iani Nemorini Silvula
  2. Sperimentalismi grafici. Pascoli, Carandini, Nigra e il problema della scrittura del latino

III. Gli abbozzi e l’edizione

Iani Nemorini Silvula: testo e traduzione



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La percezione del libro. Studi in ricordo di Marco Santoro

a cura di
Valentina Sestini

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2021, 276 pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-91-5

€ 45





Valentina Sestini, Al lettore
Giancarlo  Volpato, Incunaboli  e cinquecentine  ritrovati  nella Biblioteca Capitolare  di Verona
Carmen  Puglisi, Boezio e Aristotele in uno sconosciuto incunabolo della  Biblioteca  Regionale  ‘Giacomo  Longo’ di Messina
Monica  Bocchetta,  Tra testo e immagini. Il rosario  di Luis de Granada nelle edizioni di Giuseppe  De Angelis (Roma, 1573-1577)
Domenico  Ciccarello,  Un letterato  e mestierante  del libro tra Austria e Sicilia: Juan Silvestre Salva
Giuseppe  Lipari, Libri, editoria  e pubblico nella Messina di fine Seicento. L’inventario dei beni del libraio Placido Costa
Vincenzo Trombetta, «Con licenza de’ superiori». L’attività dei regi revisori nella Napoli del Settecento
Federica Formiga, L’Italia turrita e la propaganda nella Grande Guerra
Samanta  Segatori,  «Per  noi il problema  è tutto qui:  essere  i nuovi illuministi di un nuovo ’89». Gobetti editore ideale attraverso le sue riviste
Rosa Marisa Borraccini – Stefania Fortuna – Giovanna Pirani, Segni sui libri e non solo: il «Fondo Bonarelli-Modena» della Biblioteca Comunale Benincasa di Ancona
Valentina  Sestini, Agli inizi della passione editoriale:  gli studi di Marco Santoro su Cesare Pavese

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Studi medievali e umanistici, XIX

XIX (2021)

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2021, 320 pp., 25 cm.
ISSN 2035-3774

€ 80




Aldo Onorato, Il volgarizzamento dell’ultima epistola di Coluccio Salutati a Giovanni da San Miniato
Giuseppe Nastasi, Natale Conti traduttore del Περὶ σχημάτων di Alessandro

L’OPERA DI PETRARCA. CANTIERI DI LAVORO. Seminario internazionale (Messina, Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, 20-21 febbraio 2020)

Silvia Rizzo, Personaggi ‘nascosti’ negli epistolari di Petrarca
Silvia Rizzo, L’epistola di Lombardo della Seta a destinatario ignoto
Péter Ertl, Fra Giovanni Colonna e una ignota redazione γ della Familiare II 9
Marco Petoletti, Il De vita solitaria e le sue fonti nascoste
Sara Vetturelli, Il portale Petrarca online
Paola Vecchi Galli, Per le Rime disperse di Francesco Petrarca: un colpo d’occhio sul ms. parmense 1081
Giulia Perucchi, Il maestro di Cicerone. Per l’esegesi di Rem. I 80
Giulia Perucchi, Nuove prospettive sul De remediis utriusque Fortune (con l’edizione di Rem. I 80-81 e II 39-40)

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ALDO ONORATO, Il volgarizzamento dell’ultima epistola di Coluccio Salutati a Giovanni da San Miniato
Coluccio Salutati’s last epistle to Giovanni da San Miniato (25 January ‹1404›), which closes a heated dispute with the Camaldolese monk and represents the theoretical summa of the great humanist’s defense of ancient poets and classics, was translated into Italian vernacular by Nicolò Castellani in the first decades of the fifteenth century. This poor work has come down to us through a single manuscript (Florence, Bibl. Riccardiana, 1939), unfortunately marred by numerous errors only partially amended by the edition prepared without any philological rigor by Casimiro Stolfi in 1867. My essay makes available to scholars the first critical edition of Castellani’s Italian vernacular translation, which is now finally purged of mendes and omissions and, thus, allows a detailed examination of its features and of its impact on the fortune of Salutati’s epistolary short treatise.

SILVIA RIZZO, Personaggi ‘nascosti’ negli epistolari di Petrarca
Drawing on her work towards a chronology of Petrarch’s life for the portal Petrarca online, the author suggests connections between different mentions of persons unknown, which can lead to their identification or at least to better knowledge of them. The persons discussed are Giovanni Mandelli; Francesco di Giovanni da Firenze; ‘Martinus theutonus semitalus’, who travelled between Venice and Prague.

SILVIA RIZZO, L’epistola di Lombardo della Seta a destinatario ignoto
In 1961 E. Pellegrin discovered a letter of Lombardo Della Seta, and in 1963 she found it in another manuscript. It was published in 1964 by Billanovich-Pellegrin and then again by Billanovich in 1966. The present paper gives a new critical edition with translation and commentary. The letter, which yields a large amount of valuable information about the fate of Petrarch’s works after his death, does not name the addressee. The first editors argued that it was addressed to Giovanni Dondi dall’Orologio and consequently suggested a date of 1380 or 1381. The identification with Dondi was rejected by Martellotti, who dated the letter to 1376 or 1377. The year 1377 was supported by Fera with arguments from the tradition of Africa. The present paper accepts 1377 and tentatively proposes for the addressee the name of Donato degli Albanzani.

PÉTER ERTL, Fra Giovanni Colonna e una ignota redazione γ della Familiare II 9
The aim of this study is to compare a short passage of Giovanni Colonna’s Mare historiarum (VII 78) with Petrarch’s Familiares II 9, 26, with the intention of proving that the historical work of the learned friar contains a fragment of the precanonical redaction of the epistle, which was abundantly reworked by Petrarch in the early 1350s.

MARCO PETOLETTI, Il De vita solitaria e le sue fonti nascoste
Petrarch worked many years to compose his De vita solitaria: the dedication copy was sent to Philippe de Cabassole in 1366, twenty years after he began to write this treatise. Identifications of sources and information obtainable from Petrarch’s correspondence allow to discover the progressive increase of De vita solitaria, as it was furthered by new readings. Especially in order to sketch biographical portraits of the viri illustres solitarii in book II, Petrarch drew on a large stock of patristic and medieval sources. Hagiographic texts, including the Martyrology of Usuardus, prooved to be relevant for this topic and their study sheds light on a section of Petrarch’s library, which was left little investigated up to now.

PAOLA VECCHI GALLI, Per le Rime disperse di Francesco Petrarca: un colpo d’occhio sul ms. parmense 1081
In the light of the latest proposals of criticism and philology on so called Petrarch’s ‘rime disperse’, this paper formulates some general reflections on Ms. Parmense 1081, emphasizing its Tuscan origin, the hybrid contents and the unreliable aspect regarding the attributions, and making some methodological questions related to the catalogue of these poems.

GIULIA PERUCCHI, Il maestro di Cicerone. Per l’esegesi di Rem. I 80
This paper sets out to shed light on the meaning of an obscure passage in the dialogue The Excellent Teacher included in Petrarch’s De remediis utriusque Fortune (I 80). In a short list of ancient authors who either had no distinguished teachers to learn from or surpassed them, Petrarch dismissively mentions Cicero’s preceptor: in their commentaries previous scholars have never tried to establish his identity. This contribution suggests that Cicero’s mediocre teacher is A. Licinius Archias, the poet he defended in the famous oration discovered by Petrarch himself in 1333.

GIULIA PERUCCHI, Nuove prospettive sul De remediis utriusque Fortune (con l’edizione di Rem. I 80-81 e II 39-40)
This paper focuses on four chapters of Petrarch’s De remediis utriusque Fortune (I 80-81 and II 39-40) concerning the world of the school, pupils and teachers. The first section offers an Introduction to the content of the dialogues and to Petrarch’s perspectives on teaching and learning; the second consists of a new examination of the manuscript tradition. The study of a selection of witnesses has made it possible to formulate a new theory about the evolution of De remediis and its textual transmission: here for the first time, a new version – older than those known until now – is identified. A significant group of author’s variants is analysed with close attention. The article also provides an edition of the Latin text with an Italian translation and commentary.


Radiografia del Myrmedon di Giovanni Pascoli

di Salvatore Guarino

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2022, 136  pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-90-8

€ 30





STEFANO GRAZZINI, La formica di Pascoli, fra Virgilio, Esopo e Alfred Edmund Brehm

I. Un poema didascalico di fine Ottocento

  1. Myrmedon e i Ruralia
  2. Il formicaio come l’alveare: il modello georgico

II. «in terrae venas obscura vetustas»

  1. La misteriosa origine dei giacimenti minerari
  2. Il dramma dei carusi siciliani

III. la vista delle formiche: scienza e poesia

  1. Il fenomeno della ‘dispersione ottica’
  2. Ancora sulla resa dei concetti scientifici

IV. la società del formicaio

  1. Le ‘schiave’
  2. La ‘legionaria’

V. Il lessico di Myrmedon

  1. Gli utensili delle formiche

Myrmedon: testo e traduzione



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Studi medievali e umanistici, XVIII

XVIII (2020)

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2020, 408 pp., tavv. VIII; 25 cm.
ISSN 2035-3774

€ 80





Vincenzo Fera, Archeologia di Valchiusa: «Chiare, fresche et dolci acque»
Stefano Rocchi, Accursiana I. Il ciclo epigrammatico della Fuggerkapelle ad Augsburg

Atti del convegno, Milano, 11 dicembre 2018

Stefano  Martinelli  Tempesta, La trasmissione dei testi greci e latini dal manoscritto alla stampa. Considerazioni introduttive
Antonio  Rollo, La tradizione umanistica dei graeca di Svetonio
Luigi Orlandi, Preistoria  di un’edizione mancata: il Macrobio di Gaza e Bussi
David Speranzi, La princeps di Omero per i Medici. Bibliologia e storia di un esemplare di dedica

G. Perucchi, Versi per i libri: l’epigramma di Petrarca nei Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis di Macrobio
C. Gazzini, La fonte delle citazioni aristoteliche in una lettera di Crisolora a Manuele II Paleologo: il ms. Vat. gr. 1342
S. Pagliaroli, Nota sulle lettere di «Agnelius Salernitanus» e di Antonio Beccadelli nel Vat. lat. 2906
S. Pagliaroli, Lorenzo Valla e Quintiliano. Un nuovo manoscritto con postille di origine valliana (Toulouse, Bibliothèque d’étude et du Patrimoine, 2865)
D. Gionta, Il De bello et pace. Un’opera ritrovata del giurista romano Andrea Santacroce
D. Gionta, Una nuova testimonianza manoscritta della Monarchia dantesca: il codice VIII G 54 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli

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VINCENZO FERA, Archeologia di Valchiusa: «Chiare, fresche et dolci acque»
This article analyses Petrarch’s poem ‘Chiare, fresche et dolci acque’ (Rvf 126), whose composition can be dated after Laura’s death, around 1350. It focuses on the poems’ structural mechanisms, through which a subtle narrative is identified. In particular, research is conducted on the iunctura «imagine vera» (l. 60), the description of the rain of flowers inspired by the scenery in Valchiusa (ll. 40-52), the strong links with Rvf 125, the connection with Dante’s Purgatory XXX, and the temporal dimension which runs through the whole poem.

STEFANO ROCCHI, Accursiana I. Il ciclo epigrammatico della Fuggerkapelle ad Augsburg
This paper demonstrates that the texts of the four inscriptions in honour of Ulrich, Georg, and Jakob Fugger carved below the so-called Epitaphien in the Fuggerkapelle in Augsburg were written by Mariangelo Accursio between 1530 and 1533, when he repeatedly sojourned in Augsburg. I offer a critical edition of Accursio’s original drafts as well as of texts carved in the Fuggerkapelle. I further propose some observations on the contents of Accursio’s manuscripts which are kept in the Ambrosiana Library of Milan (O 125 sup., D 420 inf., O 148 sup.) and on his epigraphical methodology.


ANTONIO ROLLO, La tradizione umanistica dei graeca di Svetonio
The article focuses on Manuel Chrysoloras’ restoration, performed at the end of the 14th century, of the Greek passages  of Suetonius’ Lives of the Caesars. Chrysoloras’ transcription of the Greek is preserved in MSS. Vall. B 26 and Laur. 20 sin. 3. Starting from the text defined by Chrysoloras, we trace the history of the transmission of Suetonius’ graeca during the fifteenth century up to the early sixteenth-century editions, highlighting both the solidity of the results achieved by the Byzantine scholar and the brilliant interventions through which Poliziano in particular succeeded in improving the text of the Greek passages, substantially undisputed in previous decades. A printed copy of the Caesars, densely annotated by Demetrius Chalcondyles, is presented in Appendix I, while Appendix II illustrates a list of  Suetonius’ graeca extrapolated from their context by Ciriaco d’Ancona.

LUIGI ORLANDI, Preistoria  di un’edizione mancata: il Macrobio di Gaza e Bussi
This paper aims to provide insight into the troubled history of the editio princeps of Macrobius’ Saturnalia, which was planned for publication in Rome in the 1460s at Konrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz’ typography. As is known, this edition never appeared, and some scholars even went so far as to doubt the existence of preliminary works on the text. The discovery of autograph annotations added by the editors, Theodoros Gazes and Giovanni Andrea Bussi, in the manuscript Vat. lat. 1542 firstly makes it possible to demonstrate that the project was launched and developed to a certain extent. Furhermore, the analysis of Gazes and Bussi’s contributions gives us the opportunity to look at the methodology applied to prepare the printed edition. Some remarks on the reasons of the interruption of the work are given in the last part of the article.

DAVID SPERANZI, La princeps di Omero per i Medici. Bibliologia e storia di un esemplare di dedica
Bibliological and historical analysis of a luxury copy of the Homer editio princeps (Florence: Demetrios Damilas, Printer of Vergilius C. 6061, Bartolomeo de’ Libri, 9 dec. 1488 [text] / not before 1489 [dedication letter]), now held at Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Banco Rari 81. Printed on parchment, intended for the Medici family and decorated with a fine illumination attributed to the shop of Gherardo and Monte di Giovanni, the copy Banco Rari 81 presents some handwritten folios. Their scribe is here identified with Demetrios Damilas himself, involved also in the printing of the book.


G. PERUCCHI, Versi per i libri: l’epigramma di Petrarca nei Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis di Macrobio
This paper focuses on a Latin epygram written and signed by Petrarch on the last folio of his own copy of Macrobius’ Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis (ms. British Library, Harl. 5204). The study gives a new paleographical description, interpre-tation and traduction of the verses, in which Petrarch  introduced the content of Macrobius’ book itself.

C. GAZZINI, La fonte delle citazioni aristoteliche in una lettera di Crisolora a Manuele II Paleologo: il ms. Vat. gr. 1342
The article studies the quotations from Aristotle’s Ethics and Magna Moralia contained in the letter written by the Byzantine scholar Manuel Chrysoloras in reply to Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus’ funeral oration for the death of his brother Theodore. Through a comprehensive analysis, the study demonstrates that the source from which these references derive is the Vatican Library’s ms. Vat. gr. 1342, which belonged to and was extensively annotated by Chrysoloras himself. This conclusion is not only supported by philological considerations, but is also strengthened by the fact that, in more than one case, the references to Aristotle included in Chrysoloras’ epistle exactly reproduce the notes which he added for study’s use on the margins of Vat. gr. 1342.

S. PAGLIAROLI, Nota sulle lettere di «Agnelius Salernitanus» e di Antonio Beccadelli nel Vat. lat. 2906
The article examines the correspondence of the mysterious «Agnelius Salernitanus», handed down by the Vat. lat. 2906, and in it are recognized portions of letters by Antonio Panormita present in the same manuscript.

S. PAGLIAROLI, Lorenzo Valla e Quintiliano. Un nuovo manoscritto con postille di origine valliana (Toulouse, Bibliothèque d’étude et du Patrimoine, 2865)
News it is given of the discovery of a new manuscript of Quintilian (Toulouse, Bibl. d’étude e du Patrimoine, 2865) with marginal notes of vallian origin. The quintilianism of Lorenzo Valla is exemplified with the edition of a selection of tolosan annotations collated on the autographed ones in Par. Lat. 7723.

D. GIONTA, Il De bello et pace. Un’opera ritrovata del giurista romano Andrea Santacroce
The A. sheds light on a hitherto lost treatise De bello et pace composed by the jurist and humanist Andrea Santacroce. The newly discovered witness of this treatise (Napoli, Bibl. Nazionale, VIII G 54), a parchment illuminated manuscript, was written under the author’s supervision and shows his numerous autograph additions in the margins. Written in response to the pamphlet by Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo, De monarchia et origine principatus (1467), Santacroce’s work aims to reaffirm the legitimacy of the imperial rule. The Monarchy of Dante is the main source from which the jurist drew his arguments.

D. GIONTA, Una nuova testimonianza manoscritta della Monarchia dantesca: il codice VIII G 54 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli
It was unknown that two books of Dante’s Monarchy are preserved in the heart of Andrea Santacroce’s treatise De bello et pace, kept in the Biblioteca Nazionale in Napoli (ms. VIII G 54). This paper offers a first survey of this new witness, pointing out its close relationship with M and S, two manuscripts of the β4 sub-group.

Francesco Petrarca e la sua ricezione europea

Atti del convegno Freie Universität
(Berlin, 9-10 novembre 2017),
a cura di Giovanni Cascio e Bernhard Huss

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2020, 302 pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-85-4

€ 60



G. Cascio – B. Huss, Premessa
M. Feo, Friede, Friede, Friede! Petrarcas Ruf an die Nachwelt
M. Berté, Le antiche biografie di Petrarca
M. Petoletti, Nuove considerazioni sulla biblioteca di Petrarca: le Epistulae di Ambrogio e le Res rusticae di Varrone
G. Perucchi, Fortuna dei postillati petrarcheschi. Giovanni Dondi, Plinio e Vitruvio
V. Fera, Problemi ecdotici ed esegetici delle postille nel ‘codice degli abbozzi’
F. Pich, Il «soggetto» tra «ragioni» e «divisioni». Movesi il vecchierel in alcuni commenti al canzoniere
B. Huss, Triumphi ambigui. Problemi ermeneutici nel commento ai Trionfi di Bernardo Ilicino
F. Mehltretter, Canzonieri di secondo grado. Il petrarchismo nelle stampe polifoniche del secondo cinquecento e del primo seicento
F. Rico, La tomba europea del Petrarca ‘philosophus’
G. Cascio, Aneddoti della fortuna del Liber sine nomine nel seicento francese e britannico
N. Mann, «petrarch pursued»: un saggio di petrarchismo inglese

Indice dei luoghi petrarcheschi
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Per la biografia di Aldo Manuzio (1482-1496)

di Stefano Pagliaroli

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2021, 368 pp., tavv. XVI; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-86-1

€ 60





Abbreviazioni bibliografiche
Lo scambio epistolare tra Aldo e Poliziano

Tra le avanguardie umanistiche degli anni Ottanta del Quattrocento
  Da Ferrara a Mirandola
  Manuzio a Mirandola e gli esordi del carteggio tra Pico e Poliziano
  Firenze, Mantova, Ferrara, Padova e Venezia: i primi anni Ottanta

La permanenza a Carpi
  La partenza di Pico per Pavia e di Manuzio per Carpi
  Pico da Carpi a Firenze nel 1484
  Manuzio a Carpi

Il nodo carpigiano nella biografia aldina
  Il testamento di Leonello II Pio del 7 settembre 1477
  Il «diploma» di cittadinanza a Carpi
  Girolamo Tiraboschi
  Eustachio Cabassi e Paolo Guaitoli
  Tra Carpi e Modena
  Francesco Tarquinio Superbi
  Hans Semper

I primi anni a Venezia
  Mercatura di manoscritti
  La prima edizione della grammatica latina manuziana
  La grammatica greca di Costantino Lascari
  La «dura provincia»


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Pascoli e la melica corale

di Maria Cannatà Fera

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2020, 184  pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-88-5

€ 30






I. «Offrire all’Italia la lirica pindarica o corale»

II.  Terpandro Alcmane Stesicoro Ibico

  1. «L’educazione musica a Sparta»
  2. Il notturno di Alcmane
  3. «Il continuatore lirico dell’epopea Omerica»
  4. I «cidonii meli» di Ibico

III. Le «parole eterne» di Simonide

  1. Simonide ne I vecchi di Ceo?
  2.  Il poeta del pathos
  3. Poetica simonidea
  4. Il poeta ‘civile’

IV. Religiosità e pessimismo. Pindaro (e Bacchilide)

  1. Progetti incompiuti
  2. Religiosità panica e dionisiaca
  3. Pindaro ne I vecchi di Ceo
  4. Achille bambino e il «giovane genere umano»
  5. La Sicilia
  6. Pessimismo
  7. Cromatismo e mito

V. Tra critica, poesia e polemica. Bacchilide

  1. La scoperta
  2. Bacchilide ne I vecchi di Ceo
  3. Polemiche

VI. L’epinicio



Appendice A. Materiali versori

  1. Terpandro
  2. Aspettando il nuovo Bacchilide

Appendice B. L’articolo bacchilideo



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Studi medievali e umanistici, XVII

XVII (2019)

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2019, 350 pp.; 25 cm.
ISSN 2035-3774

€ 80





Giovanni Cascio, Ferreto Ferreti e Albertino Mussato in morte di Benvenuto Campesani
Monica Berté, Le postille apografe di Petrarca a Svetonio nel Par. lat. 5808
Paola De Capua, Magnificenza estense. Giovanni Toscanella e le nozze di Leonello d’Este con Maria d’Aragona
Rossella Bianchi, Poesia umanistica a Ferrara: Daniele Fini tra autobiografia e cronaca
Valerio Sanzotta, Per Ficino e Filone d’Alessandria
Aurelio Malandrino, Bartolomeo Gamba e un’inedita silloge di lettere petrarchesche volgarizzate. Con l’edizione della Dispersa 27
Daniela Gionta, «A lume di lanterna piccolina». La lezione etica e civile di Carlo Dionisotti

M. Bandini, Diodoro Siculo alla scuola di Manuele Crisolora
A. Rollo, Chrysolorina IV
C. Gazzini, Spigolature vaticane: nuovi testimoni degli Erotemata di Crisolora
P. Megna, Poliziano tra Giovenale e Sinesio: gli excerpta del ms. BNCF II I 99

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GIOVANNI CASCIO, Ferreto Ferreti e Albertino Mussato in morte di Benvenuto Campesani
The article deals with a collection of Latin poems concerning the death of Benvenuto Campesani, traditionally attributed to the poet and historian from Vicenza, Ferreto Ferreti. The author, on the basis of new manuscript evidence and through an overall reassessment of the structure of the corpus and the contents of the individual poems, demonstrates that five of the six items must be assigned to the famous tragedian Albertino Mussato. As a consequence of this reconstruction, the collection is revealed to be a correspondence in verse between these two leading figures of early 14 th c. Italian literature.

MONICA BERTÉ, Le postille apografe di Petrarca a Svetonio nel Par. lat. 5808
The paper focuses on a copy, Par. lat. 5808, from a manuscript owned and annotated by Petrarch. In particular, the new apograph partially transmits the marginalia from the Oxford manuscript, Exeter College, 186, containing Suetonius’ De vita Caesarum and Ausonius’ Monosticha. Through an examination of this Parisian manuscript the A. identifies the copyist as well as date and place of the transcription, which probably occurred while Petrarch was still alive and with his approval. In addition, the article publishes all of the marginal notes which are transmitted in Petrarch’s original which is now mutilated, although it is not possible to establish with certainty the occurring of every annotations in the autograph manuscript.

PAOLA DE CAPUA, Magnificenza estense. Giovanni Toscanella e le nozze di Leonello d’Este con Maria d’Aragona
The paper illustrates a hitherto unpublished and almost unknown testimony of the long and opulent feasts for the wedding of Leonello d’Este and Maria d’Aragona, celebrated in Ferrara in April 1444: it’s a letter from the humanist Giovanni Toscanella, then secretary of Borso, to the best known friend Giovanni Aurispa, which sheds new light on the historical, artistic and cultural aspects of life at the Este court. In the Appendix, Toscanella’s letter is critically edited and translated into Italian.

ROSSELLA BIANCHI, Poesia umanistica a Ferrara: Daniele Fini tra autobiografia e cronaca
By editing and illustrating a selection of poems by the Ferrara humanist Daniele Fini, who collected them together with those of his friends in the autograph workbook Ferrara BCA cl. I 437 (of which the A. has already provided a detailed description in SMU 16, 2018, 169-206), the article highlights the typology of contents, forms and aims of Fini’s poetic production. It also adds new elements to the author’s biography and constitutes a useful contribution to the cultural environment in which he worked, as well as to some episodes in the history of Ferrara during the first half of the sixteenth century.

VALERIO SANZOTTA, PER Ficino e Filone d’Alessandria
Philo of Alexandria plays a central role in the Renaissance attempt at conciliating Platonic philosophy and the Bible. After a survey of Philo’s manuscript tradition, this paper particularly focuses on Marsilio Ficino, who made a large use of Philo, especially in his Compendium in Timeum, where he inserted two long quotations from De opificio mundi and De plantatione. Ficino aimed specifically at underlining the consonance of the cosmology in Plato’s Timaeus with the biblical account. Moreover, the textual features of both quotations allow us to identify the manuscript used by Ficino, now in the Laurenziana Library of Florence. Brought to Italy from Constantinople in 1427 by Francesco Filelfo, who sold it to Lorenzo de’ Medici before 1481, Philo’s codex was consulted by Ficino in Lorenzo’s private library, where also Poliziano, who left some marginal notes, might have had access on it.

AURELIO MALANDRINO, Bartolomeo Gamba e un’inedita silloge di lettere petrarchesche volgarizzate. Con l’edizione della Dispersa 27
The article deals with the manuscript It. XI 197 (= 7600), held by the Marciana Library (Venice). The codex is written by the 19 th century scholar Bartolomeo Gamba and consists in the draft of a miscellany of Italian translations from Petrarch’s Lettere disperse. After describing the manuscript, the paper focuses on the Latin text of the Disp. 27 (= Var. 26) and compares it with the unpublished translation by Giovanni Antonio Moschini, which is included in the codex, and with the one made by Giuseppe Fracassetti. In the Appendix, an unknown Gamba’s letter to Domenico Rossetti is edited.

DANIELA GIONTA, «A lume di lanterna piccolina». La lezione etica e civile di Carlo Dionisotti
This article highlights the content and the context of the commemoration for Don Giuseppe De Luca, written by Carlo Dionisotti in 1962. Published in three different versions over the years, this text played a pivotal role in Dionisotti’s literary, political and civil vision: in 1967, he even planned to include it, as the final essay, in his most prominent collection, Geografia e storia della letteratura italiana. An Appendix contains the first version, published on the Vatican newspaper «L’Osservatore Romano» (16-17 April 1962).

M. BANDINI, Diodoro Siculo alla scuola di Manuele Crisolora
This paper places a new manuscript, Vat. gr. 996 of Diodorus Siculus, among the Greek manuscripts brought by Manuel Chrysoloras to Florence in 1397. It also suggests the attribution of Laur. 70, 16 and other manuscripts to Roberto de’ Rossi, one of the first Italian pupils of Chrysoloras.

A. ROLLO, Chrysolorina IV
This article provides a description of new manuscripts of Chrysoloras’ Erotemata and discusses some readings of the critical edition of this grammar’s original text, confirming or correcting them.

C. GAZZINI, Spigolature vaticane: nuovi testimoni degli Erotemata di Crisolora
This contribution presents four documents of the Apostolic Vatican Library, which are relevant to the history of the transmission and reception of Manuel Chrysoloras’ Erotemata. So far unknown and described here for the first time, the fifteenth-century manuscripts Vat. gr. 2145 and 2267 are two witnesses to the compendium of Chrysoloras’ grammar. The two factitious codices Vat. gr. 2300 and 2275, by contrast, preserve hitherto unknown evidence for yet other versions: the former a new autograph fragmentary copy of the Erotemata’s abridged redaction by Sozomenus of Pistoia, and the latter a previously unrecognized rewriting of Chrysoloras’ grammar, which is here attributed to Ambrogio Traversari.

P. MEGNA, Poliziano tra Giovenale e Sinesio: gli excerpta del ms. BNCF II I 99
This paper shows how Angelo Poliziano was the first to identify a locus parallelus from Synesius’ correspondence (Ep. 5) in his exegesis of Iuv. 13, 162-63, but his intuition remained unknown until the XIX th century. It also focuses on Poliziano’s excerpta from Synesius’ works in the ms. BNCF II I 99 and on its manuscript sources, thus enlightening some aspects of Synesius’ reception in the XVth century.