XIV (2016)
Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2016, XXX+640 pp., tavv. XLVI; 25 cm.
ISSN 2035-3774
€ 120
Vincenzo Fera, Filologia e Tyche. Ricordo di Alessandro Daneloni
Bibliografia di Alessandro Daneloni
Antonio Rollo, La trasmissione medievale dei graeca
Eleanor Dickey, Who Used the Hermeneumata Pseudo-dositheana? Evidence for Greek Speakers in the Medieval West
Vincenzo Fera, Petrarca e il greco
Valeria Mangraviti, Leonzio Pilato interprete dei graeca nelle Pandette
Marco Petoletti, Boccaccio e i graeca
David Speranzi, Mani individuali e tipi grafici dei graeca nei codici latini dell’umanesimo
Daniela Gionta, Graeca umanistici in codici antichi di Cicerone e Columella
Stefano Martinelli Tempesta, Guarino e il restauro dei graeca in Aulo Gellio
Luigi Orlandi, Appunti sulla tradizione del greco nei Saturnalia di Macrobio
Antonio Rollo, La tradizione dei graeca nelle Divinae institutiones di Lattanzio nel Quattrocento
Paola Megna, Il greco nelle prime edizioni a stampa di Lattanzio
Indice delle tavole
Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei nomi
ANTONIO ROLLO, La trasmissione medievale dei graeca
After surveying the extent of knowledge of Greek in the West at the end of late antiquity, the paper examines the features of Western Greek script in the Early Middle Ages. Moreover, it analyses some peculiarities in the pronunciation of Greek during this period and points out the alteration mechanisms which Greek writing underwent in the course of transmission in the West.
ELEANOR DICKEY, Who Used the Hermeneumata Pseudo-dositheana? Evidence for Greek Speakers in the Medieval West
The popularity of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana, which were repeatedly copied in the medieval West despite being apparently useless to their copyists, has always been something of a mystery. Accent and breathing marks in a few Hermeneumata manuscripts (chiefly Leiden Vossianus Gr. Q. 7 and Munich Clm 22201) suggest a solution to that mystery: the marks derive from ones made by proficient Greek speakers, who must have been helping others use these texts to learn Greek. Although useless on their own, the Hermeneumata manuscripts would have been viable Greek-learning tools in the hands of a skilled teacher.
VINCENZO FERA, Petrarca e il greco
The aim of the essay is to define the extent to wich Petrarch knew the Greek language, by studying the presence of Greek words in his work and in the books of his library. A first survey is carried out, including a specific analysis of the graeca featured in the Exeter Suetonius. The research also defines the relationship between Petrarch and Barlaam from Seminara, to whom he refers as preceptor, and crosses paths with Leonzio Pilato’s Homeric translations, wich had been strongly encouraged by Boccaccio. Through the re-examination of the sources, this study aims to clarify significant aspects of the role played by Petrarch within the fascinating history of Homer’s reception in the West.
VALERIA MANGRAVITI, Leonzio Pilato interprete dei graeca nelle Pandette
This paper deals with Leontius Pilatus’ interpretatio of the Greek passages of Justinian’s Pandects handed down in the so-called Codex Florentinus (F). In Pisa, presumably in 1361-62, Leontius transliterated the graeca into minuscule and translated them into Latin. A specific attention is paid to the dynamics of the transliteration, as well as to the origin of some misunderstandings and mistakes; the translation shows the medieval feature of the version ad verbum. Moreover, this work is put in comparison with Burgundio Pisanus’, whose translation, transmitted by several manuscripts of the Digest Vulgate, is generally more correct. Finally, an edition of Leontius’ transliteration and version is given.
MARCO PETOLETTI, Boccaccio e i graeca
Giovanni Boccaccio was concerned with the Greek since the years of his cultural training in Naples, as his first attempts to transcribe two Greek alphabetic series in his Zibaldone (Laur. 29, 8) demonstrate. A new relationship with the Greek language and literature was spurred by the encounter with Leontius Pilatus and by his personal part, next to Petrarch, in the great undertaking of the Latin translation of the Iliad and the Odyssey, as he proudly claimed in his Genealogia deorum gentilium, where he stated that he had first favored the return of Homer in Italy. The close friendship with Leonzio allowed him to gain some proficiency in lettering Greek in minuscule. This essay follows Boccaccio’s attempts to learn Greek step by step from his early years to maturity, through the analysis of the books he copied and annotated.
DAVID SPERANZI, Mani individuali e tipi grafici dei graeca nei codici latini dell’umanesimo
The aim of this paper is to offer a comprehensive overview of individual scripts and graphic tipology used for the graeca in Latin humanistic manuscripts. To this purpose, the paper presents the first results of a census conducted on more than a hundred manuscripts belonging to the libraries of Florence or available in digital collections, focusing on significant case-studies. Here I dwell on manuscripts with graeca inserted by various Italian and Byzantine scribes, either professional or not: Ambrogio Traversari, Giorgio Antonio Vespucci, Johannes Skoutariotes, Bessarions’ ‘scriba a’, Manuel Chrysoloras’ pupil known as Anonymus λ, Francesco da Castiglione, Angelo Poliziano, Theodorus Gaza, an anonymous friend of Bartolomeo Fonzio, Demetrius Damilas and many others. Combining palaeography and philology, codicology and prosopography, it is possible to show that leaving aside Latin books the history of Greek script and culture in 15th century cannotbe written.
DANIELA GIONTA, Graeca umanistici in codici antichi di Cicerone e Columella
This paper deals with two eminent but, in some respects, still unknown Carolingian testimonies of Cicero’s Familiares and Columella’s De re rustica. Both of them were emended by many humanistic hands, whose interventions, also in regard to the translation and/or emendation of the Greek, deeply influenced the subsequent manuscript tradition and the modern critical editions. These interventions turned out to belong to some pivotal figures of humanistic culture, such as Francesco Filelfo, Niccolò Niccoli, and Ambrogio Traversari. The discovery allows us to make new considerations on the reception of the oldest testimonies of the Latin classics with Greek insertions in the first decades of the 15th century.
STEFANO MARTINELLI TEMPESTA, Guarino e il restauro dei graeca in Aulo Gellio
This paper focuses upon the humanistic restoration of Greek passages quoted by Aulus Gellius. a new examination of 25 manuscript dating from the 15th century allows the Author to argue for the following conclusions. There are three typologies of restorations of the Greek passages in the Noctes Atticae: (1) a group of manuscripts – stemming from the Florentine milieu of Niccolò Niccoli and Poggio Bracciolini – in which the Greek passages are restored in the shape they display in the mediaeval manuscripts. (2) A group of manuscripts in which the Greek passages are recovered in part from the mediaeval manuscripts of the Noctes Atticae, in part from the direct tradition of the authors quoted by Gellius: they reflect the philological work by Guarino. (3) The restoration realized by Theodorus Gaza in cooperation with Andrea Bussi in order to complete the editio princeps, in which there are a number of interpolations. Then, through a fresh analysis of Guarino’s letters, the Author illustrates the history of Guarino’s restoration in a new perspective. A full examination of the Greek quotations in five passages of the Noctes Atticae (1, 5, 1; 1, 5, 3; 1, 11, 5; 10, 22; 13, 7) closes the paper.
LUIGI ORLANDI, Appunti sulla tradizione del greco nei Saturnalia di Macrobio
The purpose of this study is to deepen the knowledge of the trasmission of Greek in Macrobius’ Saturnalia from the Middle Ages until the 15th century. The paper deals with the restoring intervention of the Greek quotations carried out by learned men active in the frame of Italian Humanism. The philological analysis of some twenty manuscripts of the text of Macrobius has brought new evidence to the restoration work by Ambrogio Traversari, whose activity in this field has been already partially investigated by modern scholars. Moreover, some of these manuscripts clearly reveal the existence of an alternative restoration of the Greek passages, whose author has been here cautiously identified with Guarino Veronese.
ANTONIO ROLLO, La tradizione dei graeca nelle Divinae institutiones di Lattanzio nel Quattrocento
The paper traces the history of humanistic restoration of the Greek passages in Lactantius’ Divinae institutiones. The insertion of the graeca by Guarino in MS Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale centrale, Conv. soppr. B. IV. 2609 is the first step of this operation. Later Ambrogio Traversari made a further restoration, some stages of which are testified by five manuscripts where the Greek is inserted in Traversari’s hand. The results of this restoration became the ‘vulgate’ of Lactantius’ Greek passages in the 15th century. Francesco Filelfo revised this common text by giving it metrical regularity.
PAOLA MEGNA, Il greco nelle prime edizioni a stampa di Lattanzio
The Greek passages from the Sibylline and Hermetic corpus in the Divinae institutiones and De ira Dei were restored in the 15th century by such humanists as Guarino Veronese, Ambrogio Traversari, Francesco Filelfo, and, finally, were printed in the first editions of Lactantius’ works. This paper aims to analyse the Greek text in thirteen incunabula (from the editio princeps in Subiaco, 1465, to the end of that century) and its complex relationship with humanist restoration, with particular attention to Giovanni Andrea Bussi’s textual and philological work testified by his Lactantius’ edition (1470).